A Tribute To
Cowboys Of Color

News, Events, & Exhibits
Please join us for events around the country and online. Let us know how we're doing but simply connecting with us on Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn!

Every artist enjoys engaging others in conversations about their works. Equally, buyers and critics of art love to talk about visual content. We'd love to hear from you so please, let us know what's resonating with you!
November 6th - November 17th, 2013
"Bronco Cowboy " Painting
Exhibition showing - "Shadows...A Mystery in Art -- Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village, Sedona, AZ
December Issue
Feature In Art Collector Magazine
This month my new series, "A Tribute To Cowboys Of Color Art" is featured in American Art Collector Magazine. Go grab a copy!
February 2014
Pending: Series Exhibition Showing - Black History Month
Sedona Public Library VOC
Exhibits & Showings
Interested in exhibiting this fine collection of rich cultural Western art? Or sponsoring and "Evening With the Artist" event?
Please contact us with information of your upcoming event ~ we would enjoy speaking with you!